Dell Technologies Forum Mobile Application 2018-2019 for North America

The Dell Technologies Forum Mobile Application mobile application provides conference attendees up-to-the-minute schedules, personalized session content, in-app push notifications, session discussions and collaboration and valuable information about conference overall.

Also, this Mobile application profile is not linked or related to your Dell accounts and no passwords are provided until you register within the app. If you have forgotten your password, use the forgot password link on this page.

Download the App

To download this application, follow this link to the Apple App Store or search “Dell Forum NA.” For Android, follow this link to the Google Play store or search for ” Dell Forum NA.”

Sign Up

When you download the app, you will first sign up and validate if you are already a registered attendee of this conference or a past Dell event. You must use the same email address you registered for the event. Once you log in, you have access to all of the events in the series. Next, click the city which you are attending, and you will be put directly into the agenda for that event.

Navigating in the App

The mobile app is intended for two specific functions, providing information and collecting contacts.

Using the side menu, all users can scroll through the Agenda to view sessions, speakers, and abstracts for the sessions. The “My List” is a consolidation of your scanned Contacts, your Profile and your Discussions. The rest of the app is fairly intuitive. There is a Venue Info with parking and Wi-Fi information, a Venue Map, Speakers, Content, Surveys and Mobile Sharing.

The Conference Badge

Each attendee will have a badge with a first name, last name, attendee category (Customer, Partner, Dell Employee, etc.) and a QR Code.

Account Sign Up Issues and Lost Passwords

As a reminder, you are not automatically given a password when you register for the Dell Technologies Forum. Your registration is only confirmation of your attendance. Within the mobile application, you must create a profile to access the Forum content. If you have attended a previous Dell event, you may already have a password. If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password link. Next, type in the email you registered with and you will be sent a verification code to your email. Should you have any trouble at all, email us at or call 1-800-216-0816. We will check your account and get you setup right away.

Scanning Contacts and Retrieving Data

No matter if you attend one or all events hosted by Dell, you can immediately retrieve all your contacts using single click. Simply navigate to “My Contacts” in the main menu and you will see a list of all the contacts you have collected. Press the “Retrieve Contacts” button and we’ll send you a CSV with all attendee data.

Printed Agendas

For those of you who have neither the desire nor the hardware for a mobile app, a professionally designed print version of our conference program will be available on-site when you pick up your badge. A simplified HTML version of the program will remain online at the Dell Technologies Forum website as well.